Gratitude Getaway Registration Form - PLEASE READ IN FULL
NOTE: Registration is non-refundable & non-transferable. Please contact the Registration Chair if you have already registered but are unable to attend. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Deadline to register is September 1st or when we are at max capacity, whichever is first.
$135.00 registration, meals and lodging included
NOTE: There will be a $5 convenience fee if paying online via the Gratitude Getaway website.
NOTE: Registration is non-refundable & non-transferable. Please contact the Registration Chair if you have already registered but are unable to attend. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Deadline to register is September 1st or when we are at max capacity, whichever is first.
$135.00 registration, meals and lodging included
NOTE: There will be a $5 convenience fee if paying online via the Gratitude Getaway website.
This retreat is self-supporting through the money paid by registration fees and contributions. No AA funds are used to pay for this event. This retreat is defined in the AA Guidelines from Box 459 as a "weekend convention" and requires money, as well as months of planning and preparation. Expenses include contracted costs for the use of the campground, food and beverages, printing for flyers, program schedules, postage, decorations and merchandise, and many other costs. The registration fees are kept as low as possible to meet our financial goal of breaking even. Thank you for your support and your help in achieving our financial commitments.
If you are looking to request a scholarship, please fill out the Scholarship Request Form here.